Komp is a one-button computer, made specifically for those who have little to no experience using smartphones, computers and tablets.
With Komp, the entire family can easily connect to the device through an app and send photos, messages and make two-way video calls to grandma and grandpa.
How to order Komp?
Click here to order Komp
How does it work?
Komp is easily onboarded through the Komp-app (iOS / Android) and placed somewhere visible and accessible at the senior’s house, where it only needs access to the internet and power to work. The person who onboarded Komp, the administrator, then invites other family members to join the network. From the Komp-app in their phone all invited members can send photos, messages and make video calls to Komp, which then appear in the photo stream both on the device and in the app.
A social network for the entire family
Komp is not limited to the elderly, through the photo stream in the Komp app the entire family, uncles, aunts, parents, cousins and siblings can stay up to date on whatever happens in each others lives. Making Komp a social network for the entire family.

What makes Komp different?
As technologically experienced individuals, it’s easy to think that using tools like smartphones and tablets comes naturally, almost as an extension of your mind and body. Unfortunately, they aren’t. Smartphones and tablets are made for the masses, not for people with cognitive or physical limitations. We tailored Komp for seniors, and involved them in the process.
Only one button
Growing old, our bodies change. Dry fingertips make it hard to use touch screens, vision and hearing impairments make it hard to see and hear what happens on an average tablet or computer screen. Komp only has one button, a high contrast screen and clear audio so that the senior can easily use the device, and see and hear the content.
No usernames or passwords
Most products require usernames and passwords for anything from logging in to using apps, and automatic updates bring new and foreign layouts. Komp requires no usernames or passwords to use, and has no changing layouts or error messages.
App for sharing content and managing Komp
Through the Komp app the family is responsible for the administration (e.g. installing apps, inviting members). This lessens the burden of use on the senior, making it more inviting to start using Komp and easier to navigate when using it. All app-members are invite only, giving you full control over the people that can contact the user.
Simple functionality
Endless functionality and endless choices makes manoeuvring traditional products hard and confusing for people who have little experience using technology. With Komp, all new additions are user tested with seniors, and only implemented if it increases opportunity without decreasing the feeling of independence.
No tracking or sharing of personal user data
As consumers we are becoming increasingly aware of how our data is handled. Many companies operate on the fringe of what is acceptable. No Isolation only tracks metadata (e.g. number of photos/messages sent by total users), but never private messages or photos, and we never share personal data with third parties, such as other apps.